Exploring Data Distribution

#statistics #data #exploring #apply #plot


  • Could be use the Boxplots plots, it is the visual percentiles: Dispersion
  • Percentiles are good to summarize data and see extreme values with 95th percentile, 99th percentile
  • In the Boxplots, the last whisker does not go more than 1.5 IQR (Dispersion). The rest are outliers

Frequency Table (Histogram)

  • value_counts()
  • Divided by bins
  • Could be used histogram plots
  • Large bins can hide features important for the models. Too small bin make hard to see the big pictures
  • Bins have equal distance between them
  • The bars are continuous

Skewness and Kurtosis

  • They are the third and fourth momentum of the data. Central Tendendcy with mean is the first momentum, and Dispersion with variance is the second momentum
  • They are more see in the graph than a number to represent them.
  • Kurtosis: Propensity to have extreme values
  • Skewness: Has an extensively tail on the plot

Density plots and Estimates

  • Histograms are plots of densities and estimations with lines can be generated using kernel density estimate
  • Y scale is different, but a proportion
  • The area below the curve sum to 1
  • You can calculate the area between two points to know the proportion

Exploring Binary and Categorical

  • Binary, proportion of 0 and 1
  • Categorical, proportion of categorical variables
  • You could use Bar charts, a little bit different from histograms where x-axis represents a category and y-axis is the count
  • Central Tendendcy: Mode can be used to count the most common values
  • Transform categorical variables into discretized ones
    • Expected Value: Discretized Values * Probability

Exploring two or more Variables

  • Scatter plots are good for small values
  • Hexagonal binning for millions of rows
  • Two categorical variables: Contingency Table
    • Divided category and proportion
  • Categorical and numerical
    • Multiple Boxplots
    • Multiple Violin plots
      • Show the distribution as well


  • Bruce, 2017, p19-30
  • Bruce, 2017, p36-45
#statistics #data #exploring #apply #plot