
#centraltendency #math #statistics #estimative #theory

  • It is the second dimension
  • How the data is dispersed, it is more clustered or spread out
  • Some estimates:
    • Mean Absolute Deviation
      • Sensitive to outlier
    • Variance → Most used by statistical application
    • Standard Deviation → Most used by statistical application
      • Easy to interpret
      • Sensitive to outlier
    • Median Absolute Deviation
      • Robust to outlier
  • Work with squared values is better than work with absolute values, specially in statistics
  • Values in size order: standard deviation > mean absolute deviation > median absolute deviation


  • It sorts data by its value
  • Percentile P means: P percent of values is below P and (100 - P) is above P
  • Median: percentile 50th
  • Quantile 0.8 = 80 percentile
  • Variability: difference between 25th and 75 percentile (Interquartile Range - IQR)


  • Bruce, 2017, p13-19
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#centraltendency #math #statistics #estimative #theory