How to apply GTD (Getting Things Done)

#tasks #howtodo #method #completeness

  • Create the lists of things separated by
    • In
    • Next Actions
    • Waiting For
    • Projects
    • Some day/maybe
  • Inbox with tasks to be processed: IN list on GTD
Inbox Loop
  • Image above shows the loop given the inbox loop:
    • Important point here, is to think about a task (actionable item) as the next physical, visible action to move the project closer to its goal. This action need to be clear and concise.

    • If an item is not actionable transforms into reference/incubated item or goes to the trash

      • I did not understand this article, going to take a look on this in two weeks
      • Learn Spanish going to some day/maybe
    • If an item is actionable, so:

      • Less than 2 minutes: do it
      • More than 2 minutes, you have to postpone to a specific time to next actions
        • If more than two actions is necessary, it goes to project folder
  • “next actions” = “as-soon-as-possible actions”
  • “waiting for” = “it is waiting for something to happens before it been done”
  • “some day/maybe” list
    • Not lose the track you need to review it sometimes
    • These are ideas of project not yet too “solid” to be on project list
    • Can be review weekly
    • Goes to calendar maybe?
  • “project list” = it is extensively list of actions to be done with a goal to some end
    • Need to be review time to time
    • Need to add one task of project in next action to complete the goal of the project
    • Make sure you have time for the task from a project
    • Remove a project if you not do it anymore
  • Context tags are tags used on which circumstances a task need to be done/appear/start:
    • @everywhere = Can be done on mobile/pc on every local
    • @city = Need to be done in a city/local
    • @the worldwide webs = Need to be done on internet
  • Agenda contexts
    • Tags about what you want to discuss on the meeting
  • Calendar
    • Use calendar only for tasks that have really a deadline for it
  • Best practices:
    • hard edges between you lists.
    • Use a tool to make it easy to collect small tasks, but not too complex or too fun to not spend too much time on the tool itself.
    • Have a folder for read/review papers, documents and anything you want to read.
    • Tickler file: files you need in a specific day/month/year, tasks to be done in a specific date, j


#tasks #howtodo #method #completeness