Python Decorators + Strategy

#designpattern #python #programming #apply #datastructure #combination

  • The decorator is used to register each promo type into a list, so in that way we can select the best promo to apply for each person
Promotion = Callable[[Order], Decimal]

promos: list[Promotion] = []

def promotion(promo: Promotion) -> Promotion:
    return promo

def best_promo(order: Order) -> Decimal:
    """Compute the best discount available"""
    return max(promo(order) for promo in promos)

def fidelity(order: Order) -> Decimal:
    """5% discount for customers with 1000 or more fidelity points"""
    if >= 1000:
        return * Decimal('0.05')
    return Decimal(0)

def bulk_item(order: Order) -> Decimal:
    """10% discount for each LineItem with 20 or more units"""
    discount = Decimal(0)
    for item in order.cart:
        if item.quantity >= 20:
            discount += * Decimal('0.1')
    return discount

def large_order(order: Order) -> Decimal:
    """7% discount for orders with 10 or more distinct items"""
    distinct_items = {item.product for item in order.cart}
    if len(distinct_items) >= 10:
        return * Decimal('0.07')
    return Decimal(0)
#designpattern #python #programming #apply #datastructure #combination