Typing Tuple

#python #typing #programming #doc

  • Using Python Tuples as record it is possible to type it as well
from geolib import geohash as gh  # type: ignore
def geohash(lat_lon: tuple[float, float]) -> str:
    return gh.encode(*lat_lon, PRECISION)
  • Tuple as immutable sequence
from collections.abc import Sequence
def columnize(
    sequence: Sequence[str], num_columns: int = 0
) -> list[tuple[str, ...]]:
    if num_columns == 0:
        num_columns = round(len(sequence) ** 0.5)
    num_rows, reminder = divmod(len(sequence), num_columns)
    num_rows += bool(reminder)
    return [tuple(sequence[i::num_rows]) for i in range(num_rows)]


  • Ramalho, 2022, p274-276
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#python #typing #programming #doc