Handwriting with our words

#writing #notes #memorize #ideas #reading #learning

  • Write a text in our language, Literature Notes and Permanent Notes, is a way to fit something from other context into our own context inside the Slip-Box
  • The idea you are writing can have connections, so try to write it thinking with connections this knowledge/idea can be connected.
    • Are these ideas contradictory? They complement each other? These notes are question and answer? How these notes help me to explain specifics phenomenons? What does that mean?
  • While starting a topic Permanent Notes can be quite extensively because we want to capture big pieces of context on the notes. In that way our notes will be enough information when you read it later.
  • Handwriting notes are better to learning because they are slow to be done and, we need to understand a topic before writing about it. These notes need to be assertive.
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#writing #notes #memorize #ideas #reading #learning