How to use Taskwarrior to apply GTD

#gtd #taskwarrior #methodology


  • +in = inbox
  • +wating = waiting list
  • +next = next action list


  • in = task add +in
  • tickle = task add +in wait:$deadline
  • think = tickle +1d


  • Add ideas into inbox using in command whenever you remember them

    • This ideas come from email, small papers, social medias and etc.
    • They will be processed when you open your inbox
  • Open the inbox with all ideas with tag +in.

    • On inbox I will have incubated things that came from the thickle and think command
    • Analyze the idea and see if if this is actionable
  • Item is not a action item you can think about it or we can tickle it for some specific day. Simply delete it if you think it is not important anymore

    • Maybe we can simulate someday/maybe with tickle command with longest dates or will be better to have +someday tag in that case
  • Item is a action

    • One action:
      • Less than 2 minutes: Do it
      • Bigger than 2 minutes:
        • Delegate remove +in tag and add +waiting tag and add due date and maybe wait date
        • Defer
          • Defer item to a specific project and see if the task is the next action of the project
            • Is it possible that this action is not the +next action of the project?
            • All the tasks are inside in a specific project?
            • Can you defer to a specific date and this action receive +next tag?
    • More actions:
      • Add multiple concrete actions to a specific project
        • All of this actions receive the tag +next?
      • Create one action indicating the continuation of the project ?
        • This action receive the tag +in because it will be the action that will be the starting point of the second set of the concrete actions

Weekly Review

  • Review the +waiting tasks and see if they are done
  • See the -next actions from projects and see if you can add the tag +next to one of them itens
    • A project need to have at least one item with +next tag
  • Is that situation that I will review the items with the tag +someday that comes from the inbox?


Eu com algumas figuras que representa análise de dados/ciência
#gtd #taskwarrior #methodology