Python Variable Scope

#python #rules #programming #scope

  • Variable has scope, and exist precedence regarding the local of reading values (local then global)
  • If you want to read global variables with variable local with the same name is possible to use global <variable name>. Example below:
>>> b = 6
>>> def f3(a):
...     global b
...     print(a)
...     print(b)
...     b = 9
>>> f3(3)
>>> b
  • Closures is a form to deal with Free Variables

Logic Lookup

  • There is a global x declaration, x comes from and is assigned to the x global variable module.
  • There is a non-local x declaration, x comes from and is assigned to the x local variable of the nearest surrounding function where x is defined.
  • x is a parameter or is assigned a value in the function body, then x is the local variable.
  • If x is referenced but is not assigned and is not a parameter:
    • x will be looked up in the local scopes of the surrounding function bodies (non-local scopes).
    • If not found in surrounding scopes, it will be read from the module global scope.
    • If not found in the global scope, it will be read from __builtins__.__dict__


  • Ramalho, 2022, 308-311
  • Ramalho, 2022, 315-317
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#python #rules #programming #scope