Pattern Matching with Data Class

#python #programming #datastructure

  • In fact, can be used with any type of class
  • Pattern Matching can be Simple with sequences: Pattern Matching or Destructuring
  • There is Pattern Matching with Keyword
import typing
class City(typing.NamedTuple):
    continent: str
    name: str
    country: str
cities = [
    City('Asia', 'Tokyo', 'JP'),
    City('Asia', 'Delhi', 'IN'),
    City('North America', 'Mexico City', 'MX'),
    City('North America', 'New York', 'US'),
    City('South America', 'São Paulo', 'BR'),

def match_asian_cities():
    results = []
    for city in cities:
        match city:
            case City(continent='Asia'):
    return results
  • And there is Positional, where the order of the attribute matters
def match_asian_countries_pos():
    results = []
    for city in cities:
        match city:
            case City('Asia', _, country):
    return results


Ramalho, 2022, p190-196

#python #programming #datastructure