
#python #programming #datastructure #data #storage #class

  • They are immutable because of inheritance of tuple
  • Class syntax
  • Use inspect.get_annotations(myclass) to see about field need to be annotated
  • Can use default values on fields
from typing import NamedTuple
class Coordinate(NamedTuple):
    lat: float
    lon: float
    reference: str = 'WGS84'
  • How to inspect with NamedTuple:
import typing
class DemoNTClass(typing.NamedTuple):
    a: int
    b: float = 1.1
    c = 'spam'

>>> from demo_nt import DemoNTClass
>>> DemoNTClass.__annotations__
{'a': <class 'int'>, 'b': <class 'float'>}
>>> DemoNTClass.a
<_collections._tuplegetter object at 0x101f0f940>
>>> DemoNTClass.b
<_collections._tuplegetter object at 0x101f0f8b0>
>>> DemoNTClass.c

  • C in that case is a class attribute, and not a field (instance attribute)
  • Parameter a is needed here
  • b have default value, which is 1.1


  • Ramalho, 2022, p172-179
  • Ramalho, 2022, p183-187
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#python #programming #datastructure #data #storage #class